Morphological discrepancies of three Garra (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) in Arunachal Pradesh, India- a possible evolutionary process
Pisces, Cypriniformes, Garra, Variations, Brahmaputra drainage.Abstract
The present study appraises the discrepancies patterns of morphometry for the first time on the three species of <i>Garra. Garra arunachalensis, G. birostris, and G. quadratirostris</i> were collected from various locations of the Siang River in Arunachal Pradesh, India. The results of the morphological analysis revealed that <i>G. arunachalensis, G. birostris</i>, and <i>G. quadratirostris</i> hold many similar characteristics compared to the type species, which confirms its speciation. However, they parade distinct variations in morphological and meristic characters which indicate genetic variation as time lapsed. Certain morphometric characters overlapped. Hence the variations in many morphometric characters point towards a possible continuous evolutionary process. Details of the morphological discrepancies of the three species and possible hypotheses of climatic, geographical, and habitat changes are discussed.