Taxonomical studies of four new Aseptate Gregarine parasites belonging to the Genus Monocystis Stein, 1848 (Protozoa: Apicomplexa: Sporozoa) from an Oligochaete Host, Eutyphoeus orientalis (Annelida: Oligochaeta) of West Bengal, India


  • Parasitology Laboratory, Department of Zoology, University of Kalyani, Kalyani – 741235, West Bengal
  • Parasitology Laboratory, Department of Zoology, University of Kalyani, Kalyani – 741235, West Bengal
  • Parasitology Laboratory, Department of Zoology, University of Kalyani, Kalyani – 741235, West Bengal



Apicomplexa, Eugregarinida, Gregarine, Oligochaetes, Seminal Vesicles


Surveys of acephaline gregarines in the oligochaetes from various districts of West Bengal, India revealed the occurrence of four new species of Monocystis Stein, 1848, Monocystis eutyphae sp. nov., Monocystis indicus sp. nov., Monocystis satoi sp. nov. and Monocystis csabai sp. nov. in the seminal vesicles of the earthworm, Eutyphoeus orientalis. Trophozoites of Monocystis eutyphae sp. nov. fusiform, measuring 100.7-107.8 (104.83±2.02) μm x 51.93-59.67(3.13±0.69) μm. Nucleus rounded, measuring 10.5-11.0 (9.0±1.05) μm. Gametocysts ovoid with two unequal gametocytes, measures 89.50- 96.13(93.04±2.81) μm x 67.40-78.45(72.37±4.35) μm. Oocysts biconical, measuring 13.25-15.47(14.30±0.91) μm x 9.94-13.26 (11.70±1.40) μm. Gamonts of Monocystis indicus sp. nov. oval shaped, measures 89.61-111.6 (102.95±9.69) μm x 59.29-70.72(66.20±4.33) μm. Gametocysts rounded. Oocysts biconical, measuring 10.55-11.00 (10.77± 0.46) μm x 7.00-8.50 (6.0± 0.50) μm. Syzygy present. Trophozoites of Monocystis satoi sp.nov. flat and oval shaped, measures 96.55- 125.00(15.25±8.25) μm x 50.28-62.50(59.22±5.00) μm. Nucleus rounded, measuring 12.35-14.50(13.75±1.00) μm. Syzygy present. Gametocysts rounded contains two unequal gametocytes having 70.00-75.00(72.00±4.32) μm in diameter. Oocysts biconical, measuring 15.17-18.17 (16.70±1,35) μm x 9.75-11.25(10.00±1.00) μm. Trophozoites of Monocystis csabai sp. nov. elongated, irregular flat like, measures 132.0-160.0(145.0±4.50) μm x 30.0-35.0(32.2±2.50) μm. Nucleus rounded, measuring 15.5-20.0(17.2±1.5) μm. Gametocysts almost rounded, measuring 60.0-70.0(65.0±2.50) μm. Oocysts biconical, measures 9.0-12.5(11.0±1.5) μm x 6.5-7.5(7.0±0.96) μm.


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How to Cite

Sarkar, S., Kundu, B., & Bandyopadhyay, P. K. (2019). Taxonomical studies of four new Aseptate Gregarine parasites belonging to the Genus <i>Monocystis</i> Stein, 1848 (Protozoa: Apicomplexa: Sporozoa) from an Oligochaete Host, <i>Eutyphoeus orientalis</i> (Annelida: Oligochaeta) of West Bengal, India. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, 119(4), 334–347.





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