Marine and Estuarine Mollusc of West Bengal Coast: An Overview


  • Marine Aquarium and Regional Centre, Zoological Survey of India, Digha – 721428, West Bengal
  • Department of Zoology, West Bengal State University, Barasat – 700126, West Bengal
  • Freshwater Biology Regional Centre, Zoological Survey of India, Hyderabad - 500048, Telangana
  • Marine Aquarium and Regional Centre, Zoological Survey of India, Digha – 721428, West Bengal



Checklist, Coastal Fauna, Conservation, Malacological Diversity


Present paper is an overview of marine and estuarine mollusc of West Bengal coast, based on recent surveys and the published literature. The checklist consists of Gastropoda, Scaphopoda, Bivalve and Cephalopoda available in and around the marine and estuarine waters of West Bengal coast. In total 301 species are enlisted, belongings to 184 genera, 89 families and 26 orders under four classes. Also, the paper includes the 5 species which are new record to the West Bengal coast.


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Chandra Tudu, P., Ghorai, N., Yennawar, P., & Balakrishnan, S. (2018). Marine and Estuarine Mollusc of West Bengal Coast: An Overview. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, 118(3), 217–241.





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