First breeding and nest record of Red-necked Falcon Falco chicquera in Solapur, Maharashtra


  • 71, Thobade Wasti, Degaon Road, Solapur - 413001, Maharashtra
  • Research and Development Cell, FLAME University, Pune - 412115, Maharashtra



Breeding, Falco chicquera, Nest Record, Red-necked Falcon, Solapur


The Red-necked Falcon Falco chicquera is a Near Threatened bird species due to declining populations its suitable habitats across its range. This communication highlights a breeding record and observations made in Solapur, Maharashtra. The fortuitously discovered nest, found in the Hiraj village amidst grassland with sparse vegetations of open shrubland, was constructed on a high-tension electricity tower. Observations conducted between January and April 2021 revealed crucial insights into the behaviour of a pair of Red-necked Falcons. Despite the recent dwindling population, the undisturbed patches of forests at Hiraj village hold promise as a potential breeding habitat for falcons necessitating further study and attention. This report underscores the importance of continued monitoring and research on the breeding habits and behaviours of the Red-necked Falcon for their conservation.


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How to Cite

Vanjari, R., & Vanjari, R. (2024). First breeding and nest record of Red-necked Falcon <i>Falco chicquera</i> in Solapur, Maharashtra. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, 124(2), 201–207.



Short Communications


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