First photographic evidence of Fishing Cat, Prionailurus viverrinus (Bennett, 1833) in Tampara Lake, Ganjam, Odisha


  • Zoological Survey of India, ‘M’-Block, New Alipore, Kolkata – 700053, West Bengal
  • Zoological Survey of India, Estuarine Biology Regional Centre, Gopalpur-on-Sea, Ganjam – 761002, Odisha
  • Zoological Survey of India, Estuarine Biology Regional Centre, Gopalpur-on-Sea, Ganjam – 761002, Odisha
  • Zoological Survey of India, Estuarine Biology Regional Centre, Gopalpur-on-Sea, Ganjam – 761002, Odisha
  • Zoological Survey of India, Estuarine Biology Regional Centre, Gopalpur-on-Sea, Ganjam – 761002, Odisha
  • Zoological Survey of India, Western Regional Centre, Akurdi – 411044, Pune
  • Zoological Survey of India, Estuarine Biology Regional Centre, Gopalpur-on-Sea, Ganjam – 761002, Odisha



Freshwater Lake, Ramsar Site, Small Carnivore, Wetland


Under the cat family of mammals, Fishing Cat Prionailurus viverrinus (Bennett, 1833) is a small carnivore under the Vulnerable category of IUCN, a globally declining species distributed in different wetland ecosystems across the east coast of India and its distribution pattern is extremely localized and patchy throughout the range. We report the presence of fishing cats through photographic evidence and secondary signs for the first time from the vicinity of the Tampara Lake of the Ganjam district of Odisha, from where the presence of fishing cat was never known.


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How to Cite

Das, A. K., Behera, R. K., Mohapatra, S. K., Acharya, S., Mohanty, S. R., Tripathy, B., & Mohapatra, A. (2023). First photographic evidence of Fishing Cat, <I>Prionailurus viverrinus</I> (Bennett, 1833) in Tampara Lake, Ganjam, Odisha. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, 123(2), 159–164.





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