Five New Species of Collembola (Isotomidae) from Jharkhand, India


  • Zoological Survey of India, Apterygota Section – M-Block, New Alipore, Kolkata – 700053
  • Zoological Survey of India, Apterygota Section – M-Block, New Alipore, Kolkata – 700053
  • Zoological Survey of India, Apterygota Section – M-Block, New Alipore, Kolkata – 700053



Collembola, Isotomodae, New Species, Jharkhand, India.


A total of five new species of Collembola belonging to two genera under two subfamilies of family Isotomidae have been described from the state of Jharkhand, India. An identification key to the Indian species and their distribution are also provided.


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How to Cite

Mandal, G. P., Suman, K. K., & Bhattacharya, K. K. (2017). Five New Species of Collembola (Isotomidae) from Jharkhand, India. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, 117(2), 97–112.





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